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Thursday, 5 January 2017

hello, it's so nice to be finally writing a blog post again!

\\ It has been far too long since my last post, but between now and then I have done a lot of thinking and planning about avery huia. I have so many new ideas, lots of motivation and I am excited
to get back into it all!

\\ I have decided to move my focus to mainly fashion and style with a few different posts here and there, like art, edits and photography.

\\ I have a new layout & theme which I love, I will be working on it in small parts, but the most part will stay the same and I am super happy with how it is looking!

\\ I have new pages, contact and meet me, so feel free to have a look at those to find out more information about me & my blog! I will be hopefully adding more pages in the future for things like categories and a FAQ.

\\ over the next few weeks I'll be getting lots of work done and getting up to date with social media and posts especially. I have been sort of pushing blogging to the side as I have been so busy with end of year things and school, but I and back and better than ever, and in 2017 I am going to aim to be so much more consistent and on top of everything!

I hope you are looking forward to what's in store for this year, I definitely am!

~ avery

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  1. hey
    I like your chicken of a dog how much is it to buy and then cook + eat?



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