sorry for being MIA over this month, I have been super busy! I went down to my friends beach house for a week, have been at my own beach house, and lots of other things!
this post is to say thank you for viewing my blog, for telling your friends, for being inspired from a post, anything really. last week I reached 10,000 views, and I am so so happy and lucky to have that, it has been my goal for so long!
I started this blog in 2014, after coming home from dance and out of nowhere, deciding to start one. I have had such an amazing time blogging since then. I love being able to write about whatever I want, and to have people all around the world read it. My blog and myself have changed so much since then, and I can't wait to see further changes in it!
I have been inspired by lots of other blogs, particularly Chloe's and Chessie's, I love their style of blogging, their blog's look and the posts! If you haven't already seen their blogs, I highly recommend them! I have learnt so much about styling, fashion, blogging in general from having this blog, and from other blogs, like the ones mentioned above.
I am so excited to see what is to come this year with Avery Huia, and I really hope you keep on reading! If you are thinking about starting a blog, I would definitely recommend it! I have made lots of friends from the blogging community, and it is so much fun to be a part of! If you have a blog already, leave the link in the comments & I will be sure to check it out!
even if you have only read my blog once, it means so much to me, thank you so much x
love from avery huia x
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