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free printable patterns - Avery Huia

Sunday, 7 February 2016


I hope everyone in Australia/NZ/anyone else who has gone back to school recently, is having a good time! i am really happy with all of my classes, especially Digital Technology which will help with using html and photoshop, which will come in handy for the blog!

today I have some free printable patterns for you, hence the post title. I have made four different patterns, all A4 & black and white.

you can use these patterns for lots of different things, I used them on my school books on top of brown paper! You could put them on a mood board, frame them, screenshot and use them as a wallpaper (or use these ones), you could also use them as wrapping paper for smaller items, (or bigger if you have an A3 or larger printer).

the image above is how I have styled my books, and I got inspired by the way Chloe has done hers, with the triangles and banners ect. My favourite one is probably the polka dot one with two strips crossing over each other in the bottom right! Just to make sure that the paper doesn't rip, I covered them in clear contact paper, and I also used black paper and white washi tape for the labels!

below is the link to the google drive album with them inside, I really hope you like them, i am super happy with the way that they have turned out!

album - here!

+ please note that these are my own original designs and are for personal use only, and are not available for purchase/to be sold  :)

wishing everyone a great year ahead, love from avery huia x

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