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Hawaii Photography - Avery Huia

Sunday, 24 July 2016


Over the last two weeks, I have been in Hawaii, and I have a photography post for you all! It was so pretty there, and there were so many good photo opportunities. I have some GoPro photos that I have taken as well, I hope you enjoy!

We stayed in Waikiki, so I've got photos from Waikiki Beach, Honolulu and some from the coast of O'ahu from our drive up to North Shore of the island. Hawaii was amazing and one of my favourite places ever!

My photos are mostly taken on my phone (iPhone 6), and there are a few from my GoPro, as mentioned before. The effects that I have used on them is A6, with the saturation up 2 or 3, on VSCO Cam. Enjoy!

above // Waikiki Beach

above // GoPro photos at the beach 

above // other photos including the henna I got done (bottom photo), the Pearl Harbour Memorial (second photo from top), palm trees, surfboards and a boardwalk

above // GoPro photos from our drive up to the North Shore on O'ahu

I hope you all enjoyed this post, I had such a good time in Hawaii and I will hopefully return in the future!

P.S. I am SO sorry for my absence recently, I have been unbelievably busy with school and dance and I have had absolutely no time on my hands recently, but now I am finished with a few things, I have a LOT more time for blogging. You will definitely be seeing a lot more of me on here & Instagram, I have lots of ideas inside my head and I can't wait to get them onto the blog! I've missed blogging so much and I am so happy that I have now got more time to do it!

love from avery huia x

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