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5 Ways to Stay Organised for School - Avery Huia

Monday, 19 October 2015


In New Zealand, as we are heading into Term 4, where most tests and exams are held, we need to stay organised, and I have come up with 5 ways of how to do that! I am not going into any major exams at the moment, as I am only year 9, but we do have a lot of end of topic tests and end of year tests. 

1 - Something that I find really helpful is a planner/diary. This is really good because you can see al of your notes, upcoming tests and assignments all in one place. It is super helpful and you can decorate them to be really cute and it helps to motivate you!

2 - Use flashcards when revising for tests. I have recently got a pack of ones that you write on yourself and they are so helpful when revising for tests because it is an easy and portable way to test yourself on the go.

3 - When taking notes in class, make sure to keep them bright and colourful, and even colour coded! It is so much easier to read when they are bold and the key words

really pop and stick in your head when studying. Colour coding really helps you to know where the important notes and words are.

4 - Make to do lists. These are super helpful so you know what you have to do, how urgent they are and it makes it really bold and it isn’t hard to forget what you need to do. 

5 - Tidy up your study area. It is really important to have a clean study area where you can see all of your notes and it is not clogged up with unnecessary items and other schoolwork. It helps me to focus a lot more when my workspace is tidy and organised. 

I hope you enjoyed this! I find all of these tips really helpful when I am preparing for tests or studying. Good Luck for any upcoming exams, you can do it! 

love from avery huia x

email - averyhuiasblog@hotmail.com

instagram - @averyhuiablog

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