helloooo, and surprise!
Incase you haven't noticed, I have a new blog banner, made with help from the lovely Rose, from Logic Design. I have twelve new headers, one new colour for each month! Rose has done such an amazing job, and everything has come out amazingly, and so unique. She also helped me put together some stunning business cards, I love these so much, they are so pretty!
I have also changed my title to 'Avery Huia' instead of 'Avery Huia's Blog', I thought it was a little more straightforward and less of a mouthful! My address, email and social media accounts will still remain averyhuiasblog though.
below is an image of January's header which is transparent, for a fresh new start!
front back

The process was fun & easy from my point of view, but it took it's time, and Rose worked really hard to make it perfect! We started by sharing the ideas in my head with Rose, and making a moodboard of colours, fonts and inspiration. After that, Rose had created a initial look, and I then found things that I liked and wanted to keep, and then things that I wanted to change, and she kept adjusting them until we had the final products!
The whole thing started in August, and is now finished, so it took a total of four months. I would highly recommend Rose, she did such a great job, and the images that I had in my head came out into the final product exactly, without us two talking, only emailing back and forth!
I hope you enjoy seeing what colours are for each months! I have tried to put the colours to months as the seasons are, so light and bright from summery, and slightly darker toned ones for winter! I have green for December, as it is a Christmas colour, and very summery!
lots of love, from avery huia x
instagram - @averyhuiasblog
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